Fort Walton Beach, FL
428 Mary Esther Cut Off NW Unit A,
Fort Walton Beach, FL
32548, United States
(850) 374-3769
Fort Walton Beach, FL
428 Mary Esther Cut Off NW Unit A,
Fort Walton Beach, FL
32548, United States
(850) 374-3769
Gulf Breeze, FL
To book and check for availabilityIf you are interested in living in the Gonzalez / North Northwest Pensacola, Florida community, there are some things you should know. This community is known for its low rate of child poverty. The most pleasant months to live in the Gonzalez community are October, April, and November. If you are looking to rent an apartment, you may want to consider the Apartment List. This site has thousands of listings available for rent in Gonzalez. You can search for apartments by zip code or neighborhood.
The neighborhood is home to a diverse population. Compared to 96.8% of American neighborhoods, the Gonzalez / North Northwest Pensacola has a very low rate of children living in poverty. In addition, the neighborhood has a higher proportion of Scots-Irish, Italian, and Spanish-speaking residents than any other area in Pensacola.
People first notice a neighborhood’s character and appearance. Children in Gonzalez / North Northwest Pensacola enjoy lower poverty rates than their counterparts in the rest of the state. It has a low rate of children living in poverty, which is a positive indicator. The neighborhood’s neighbors are mostly upper-middle-class and above. Its population also has a low rate of poverty, with only 0.0% of its children living below the federal poverty line.
The majority of residents in Gonzalez commute by car to work. However, a number of residents also carpool with friends and neighbors. Regardless of the mode of transportation, residents of Gonzalez find owning a car to be useful. The average commute time is just over 29 minutes, making it a shorter commute than the state average. This information is provided by the US Census Bureau. Please note that the Census Bureau does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness.
The real estate market in the Gonzalez / North Northwest Pensacola neighborhood is primarily composed of medium to large single-family homes, apartments, and condominiums. The majority of residences in this community were built between 1970 and 1999. Currently, the vacancy rate is 1.6%. Because the area is relatively new, home prices in Gonzalez have not been affected by recent growth. However, it’s important to remember that residents in this community live in a moderately expensive community.
While the year-round temperatures in Gonzalez are warm, the days are short and humid. It is warm from May to October with the shortest days in December and the hottest days in July. The climate in Gonzalez is tropical, so the temperature rarely drops below 29 degrees Fahrenheit or soars above 96 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a slight chance of rainfall, so be prepared for rainy days. A fantastic read
Depending on the weather forecast, October, April and November are the most comfortable months to live in Gonzalez Florida. The average rainfall in this community is 5.8 inches per month, but there is a substantial seasonal variation. During July, the area receives the highest rainfall, while in October, rainfall averages only 3.6 inches per month. The percentages of various precipitation types for each month are shown below.
The average cost of living in Gonzalez is lower than the national average. This community has a population of approximately 15,000 people. Most of the residents own their homes, and the average commute time is just under 29 minutes. However, walking isn’t as common as it once was, and the average car price is now higher than $1,500. If you’re looking to move to Gonzalez, FL, be sure to research the average cost of living before you make a decision. Additional info
The median cost of living in Gonzalez is $172,200, which is 0.716 times lower than the national average. In 2019, the median price increased from $166,000 to $172,200, and the homeownership rate is at 84%. The median car ownership rate is about the same as the national average, and the number of vehicles per household is the same as the national average. Although the median car ownership rate is lower than the national average, people in Gonzalez, FL drive about 23.3 miles each way.